Friday, February 23, 2007

common ground, light years apart & hollywoodfarmgirl

There's a blog I have been reading over the past few years. The person who writes is an artist of words. There's an intense honesty and heart felt philosophy in this person's words that inspire me. I can identify with her words, her introspection and maybe even her perceptions. . There's a feeling of common ground. Light years apart and there's a common ground.. Its funny how I can find common ground with someone I don't know, rather than finding it with the people around me. Most of the people in my life just don't get me... Never have and never will, whether its my own fault, maybe I don't give them the chance, or maybe its just the soul that I was born with is too different... Who knows? All i know is I am thankful for blogs like hollywoodfarmgirl's.... I am grateful for common ground..

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