Friday, February 23, 2007

An easy "A"

I am taking english comp 1 at the local community college. I got my first essay back which was a narrative...I recieved an A, What bugs me is that beneath the "A", my instructor, wrote "A beautiful essay, Laura you have great courage" At first glance you might think, why would that bother someone...Well here's the twilight zone coming to bat once again in this silly thing called life. See I want to be a good writer, no scratch that a great writer.. I have huge grammar issues and some problems with the infiltrated cliche' here and there in my works....These issue's I am aware of.. What I'm not sure of is whether I got an A on that essay I turned in, because of the sensitivity of its content or whether it was based on the merit of a student who wrote a well written essay in her English Comp class? I wrote about an attack and a sexual assault that I had been through and how I came to terms with it, and how I'm on my way to moving past it... Sensitive topics that no one likes to hear about, I wonder if I had written an essay on being a lesbian and the issues that I stare at day in and day out, would I have gotten the same "A"? Would I still have great courage? Or would it be a "C" and no notation beneath it... Would my instructor look at me as a sinner from then on? I live in a small town and the minds are just that in this town, small.....

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