Tuesday, November 11, 2008

The land of anonymity

We live in a day and age, where we are granted, the right to say anything we want without fear of having to face the person. Who hasn't been guilty of this? Saying things that you would most likely never say if you had to look, the person in the face, while saying it. This is what the internet provides, don't get me wrong, it provides a lot of great things too. A sort of global interaction, and understanding of other people that would be impossible to gain without the internet...

However in light of recent events that I've witnessed, hurtful things being said. Fingers pointed- and no thought or consideration given to feelings...I think I have learned a lesson. Don't say anything anywhere that you wouldn't say to the person if you were standing there. Its ok to not agree with someone, but its not ok to belittle and to be rude.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Moron By Default

Hello to myself because apparently that is what blogging is for, to talk to ones self.. I still so dont get this but its supposed to be theraputic...Whatever. Random thoughts. I hate domestication, I loathe the kitchen... Its the one place where i feel completely and utterly lost. My mother is a fantastic cook, as for me, I have the graceful ability to burn water. Yes that's possible and no don't ask me how. I'm not telling!

Tunes - Gretchen Peters, Gretchen Peters, Gretchen Peters...Please listen to her music she's one of my favorite singer/songwriters and certainly doesn't get enough credit :)

Shows- Grey's Anatomy- Sara Ramirez- that's pronounced Sada by the way.. she sings and when she sings fever I melt. Enough said!

Movies- I haven't seen anything I have liked in ages

Reading- I am rereading The awakening by kate chopin

Ok I am going to go continue on my domesticated path and do laundry...and eat a sandwhich. then stare at a bag of dorritoes and tell myself that its chalk full of calories and i shouldn't eat them but will likely give in and eat them anyway...So suck on that LOL

the end

Monday, October 20, 2008

new and shiny

Newest post in like over a year or more...Yeah I suck at the whole blogging thing. But hey I did actually manage to remember my log in stuff, after trying several different emails and passwords LOL! Ohhh New stuff---I got this brand new CD in the mail today because the Internet God's knew how much I wanted it, so they made sure I got it the day before the actual release date. Its Gretchen Peters Northern Lights... Love it love it love it love it... Its a Christmas CD but Gretchen wrote a few tracks and honestly she and her accompanist Barry Walsh are genius's. If heaven had a sound I'm sure it would sound like the Northern Lights CD.. See i don't get blogging to yourself? This is the deal- what is appropriate to talk about on here? Do you really wanna hear my hopes and my dreams... I hope to become a true narcissist because I like to date narcissists, apparently and you know the saying, if you can't beat 'em, join em'. I dream of one day breaking my arm horribly, so I can get into Seattle Grace hospital and have, the lovely Dr Torres set it for me..No Pain, no gain ;) Seattle Grace Hospital is real and don't you dare say its just a TV show....I might go all postal.... If you've never heard Sara Ramirez sing, go to her website. She's got a beautiful version of "Colors of the Wind". She also won a Tony Award for her Role in the Broadway hit - Spamalot.

the end