Tuesday, November 11, 2008

The land of anonymity

We live in a day and age, where we are granted, the right to say anything we want without fear of having to face the person. Who hasn't been guilty of this? Saying things that you would most likely never say if you had to look, the person in the face, while saying it. This is what the internet provides, don't get me wrong, it provides a lot of great things too. A sort of global interaction, and understanding of other people that would be impossible to gain without the internet...

However in light of recent events that I've witnessed, hurtful things being said. Fingers pointed- and no thought or consideration given to feelings...I think I have learned a lesson. Don't say anything anywhere that you wouldn't say to the person if you were standing there. Its ok to not agree with someone, but its not ok to belittle and to be rude.

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