Friday, October 24, 2008

Moron By Default

Hello to myself because apparently that is what blogging is for, to talk to ones self.. I still so dont get this but its supposed to be theraputic...Whatever. Random thoughts. I hate domestication, I loathe the kitchen... Its the one place where i feel completely and utterly lost. My mother is a fantastic cook, as for me, I have the graceful ability to burn water. Yes that's possible and no don't ask me how. I'm not telling!

Tunes - Gretchen Peters, Gretchen Peters, Gretchen Peters...Please listen to her music she's one of my favorite singer/songwriters and certainly doesn't get enough credit :)

Shows- Grey's Anatomy- Sara Ramirez- that's pronounced Sada by the way.. she sings and when she sings fever I melt. Enough said!

Movies- I haven't seen anything I have liked in ages

Reading- I am rereading The awakening by kate chopin

Ok I am going to go continue on my domesticated path and do laundry...and eat a sandwhich. then stare at a bag of dorritoes and tell myself that its chalk full of calories and i shouldn't eat them but will likely give in and eat them anyway...So suck on that LOL

the end

Monday, October 20, 2008

new and shiny

Newest post in like over a year or more...Yeah I suck at the whole blogging thing. But hey I did actually manage to remember my log in stuff, after trying several different emails and passwords LOL! Ohhh New stuff---I got this brand new CD in the mail today because the Internet God's knew how much I wanted it, so they made sure I got it the day before the actual release date. Its Gretchen Peters Northern Lights... Love it love it love it love it... Its a Christmas CD but Gretchen wrote a few tracks and honestly she and her accompanist Barry Walsh are genius's. If heaven had a sound I'm sure it would sound like the Northern Lights CD.. See i don't get blogging to yourself? This is the deal- what is appropriate to talk about on here? Do you really wanna hear my hopes and my dreams... I hope to become a true narcissist because I like to date narcissists, apparently and you know the saying, if you can't beat 'em, join em'. I dream of one day breaking my arm horribly, so I can get into Seattle Grace hospital and have, the lovely Dr Torres set it for me..No Pain, no gain ;) Seattle Grace Hospital is real and don't you dare say its just a TV show....I might go all postal.... If you've never heard Sara Ramirez sing, go to her website. She's got a beautiful version of "Colors of the Wind". She also won a Tony Award for her Role in the Broadway hit - Spamalot.

the end